More EVM Puzzles - Part 3

June 6, 2022 by patrickd

This continues the series on Dalton Sweeney (opens in a new tab)'s "10 more EVM puzzles" (opens in a new tab) collection. If this is all new to you, you should probably check out Part 1 first.

Puzzle #5

00      6020      PUSH1 20
02      36        CALLDATASIZE
03      11        GT
04      6008      PUSH1 08
06      57        JUMPI
07      FD        REVERT
08      5B        JUMPDEST
09      36        CALLDATASIZE
0A      6000      PUSH1 00
0C      6000      PUSH1 00
0E      37        CALLDATACOPY
0F      36        CALLDATASIZE
10      59        MSIZE
11      03        SUB
12      6003      PUSH1 03
14      14        EQ
15      6019      PUSH1 19
17      57        JUMPI
18      FD        REVERT
19      5B        JUMPDEST
1A      00        STOP

? Enter the calldata:

This one starts easy: The calldata we send must be longer than 32 (0x20) bytes for the first JUMPI to succeed. Then all of the calldata is copied to memory at offset 0x0. Then CALLDATASIZE is subtracted from MSIZE and the result of this subtraction must be 3 for the final jump to succeed as well. (opens in a new tab) tells us that MSIZE returns "the size of active memory in bytes". But there's an important detail: "The size is always a multiple of a word (32 bytes)". So even if we only sent 33 bytes as calldata which were copied to memory, MSIZE would instead return 64 as value.

This also means the solution is quite simple: Sending 61 bytes will yield a difference of 3 from the subtraction and is also of a greater size than 32 to make the first jump.

? Enter the calldata: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Puzzle solved!

Knowing this little fact on how memory expansion works in the EVM made solving this puzzle quite easy.

Puzzle #6

21      34                                                                      CALLVALUE
22      01                                                                      ADD
23      6001                                                                    PUSH1 01
25      14                                                                      EQ
26      602A                                                                    PUSH1 2A
28      57                                                                      JUMPI
29      FD                                                                      REVERT
2A      5B                                                                      JUMPDEST
2B      00                                                                      STOP

? Enter the value to send:

Seems like the "gimmick" on this one is integer overflows. Right at the beginning, a really large number is pushed onto the stack, so large in fact that just adding 16 will make it overflow and flip to 0. But for the jump condition to succeed it needs to be a 1 - so we need to send 17!

? Enter the value to send: 17

Puzzle solved!

Puzzle #7

00      5A        GAS
01      34        CALLVALUE
02      5B        JUMPDEST
03      6001      PUSH1 01
05      90        SWAP1
06      03        SUB
07      80        DUP1
08      6000      PUSH1 00
0A      14        EQ
0B      6011      PUSH1 11
0D      57        JUMPI
0E      6002      PUSH1 02
10      56        JUMP
11      5B        JUMPDEST
12      5A        GAS
13      90        SWAP1
14      91        SWAP2
15      03        SUB
16      60A6      PUSH1 A6
18      14        EQ
19      601D      PUSH1 1D
1B      57        JUMPI
1C      FD        REVERT
1D      5B        JUMPDEST
1E      00        STOP

? Enter the value to send:

This one's got a loop! Right after pushing the initial amount of GAS onto the stack, we enter the first loop:

# It gets the call value and subtracts 1 from it.
01      34        CALLVALUE
02      5B        JUMPDEST
03      6001      PUSH1 01
05      90        SWAP1
06      03        SUB
# It duplicates the result of the subtraction for the next loop round (instead of using call value again).
07      80        DUP1
# If the result of the subtraction was zero we exit the loop.
08      6000      PUSH1 00
0A      14        EQ
0B      6011      PUSH1 11
0D      57        JUMPI
# If not, we keep looping.
0E      6002      PUSH1 02
10      56        JUMP

If we'd send a value of 0 it would end up looping until it runs out of gas, because the integer will underflow resulting in the largest possible number to count down from. But as long as we send any value that ensures we have enough gas left at the end of the loop, we should be fine. If we'd for example send a 1 as a value, the result of the subtraction would immediately yield a 0 and it would never loop to begin with. Sending a 2 would loop exactly once and then exit, and so on..

00      5A        GAS            [initialGas]
...                              [0, initialGas]
12      5A        GAS            [gasAfterLoop, 0, initialGas]
13      90        SWAP1          [0, gasAfterLoop, initialGas]
14      91        SWAP2          [initialGas, gasAfterLoop, 0]
15      03        SUB            [initialGas-gasAfterLoop, 0]
16      60A6      PUSH1 A6       [0xa6, initialGas-gasAfterLoop, 0]
18      14        EQ             [0xa6==initialGas-gasAfterLoop, 0]
19      601D      PUSH1 1D       [0x1d, 0xa6==initialGas-gasAfterLoop, 0]
1B      57        JUMPI          [0]
1C      FD        REVERT
1D      5B        JUMPDEST       [0]
1E      00        STOP           [0]

Immediately after the loop it pushes the now still left gas onto the stack again. You can also see that the final value from the loop, which will always be 0, is still left on the stack even though it's never used again, which is why there are a bunch of confusing swaps happening. But all that's actually being done here is determining the gas that was consumed during the loop by subtracting the second GAS instruction's value from the first one. The result of this subtraction is then compared with 0xA6, or 166 in decimal.

In summary: We have to send a transaction value that'll cause the loop to consume exactly 166 gas.

00      5A        GAS           2gas  │
01      34        CALLVALUE     2gas  │
02      5B        JUMPDEST      1gas  ┢━<━┓
03      6001      PUSH1 01      3gas  ┃   ┃
05      90        SWAP1         3gas  ┃   ┃
06      03        SUB           3gas  ┃   ┃
07      80        DUP1          3gas  ┃   ┃
08      6000      PUSH1 00      3gas  ┃   ┃
0A      14        EQ            3gas  ┃   ┃
0B      6011      PUSH1 11      3gas  ┃   ┃
0D      57        JUMPI        10gas  ┠──────┐
0E      6002      PUSH1 02      3gas  ┃   ┃  │
10      56        JUMP          8gas  ┗━>━┛  │
11      5B        JUMPDEST      1gas  <──────┘

The instructions around the loop will consume 5gas while a normal loop execution will cost 43gas. The final loop skips a few instructions, pricing it at 32gas.

So what we have to determine is the CALLVALUE we have to send for 5 + 43*(CALLVALUE-1) + 32 = 166, which is 4.

? Enter the value to send: 4

Puzzle solved!

It should be noted though that gas prices for instructions aren't completely fixed. Their cost might change in the future which would likely break this puzzle.